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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amish Friendship Bread Starter

  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 cup sugar, divided (I use unrefined sugar)
  • 1 cup whole milk

>>> In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Let stand 5-10 minutes. In a quart or half gallon jar (size will depend on how much you plan on adding on days 5 & 10), add flour, sugar, milk and yeast mix. Whisk well. Cover loosely. This is day 1 of the 10 day cycle. Leave loosely covered at room temperature.

Days 2, 3, 4- stir starter with a non-metal spoon

Day 5- stir in 1/4-1 cup each flour, sugar and milk (The measurement you use for each will be the same. For example, if you add 1/3 c milk, you will add 1/3 cup of flour & sugar as well)

Days 6, 7, 8, 9-
stir starter with a non-metal spoon

Day 10- stir in flour, sugar and milk, using the same proportions as mentioned on day 5.

Use 1 cup of starter to make your first batch of bread. You may share up to 2 cups with friends. Be sure you share this recipe and your favorite Amish Bread recipe. Store the remaining 1 cup starter in a container in the refrigerator, or begin the 10 days over again, starting with day 2.


  • If you don't have anyone to share your starter with, you may freeze your starter in 1-cup portions. This can be used as your 1 cup of starter for a recipe or to begin a new 10-day process. The bread freezes very well if wrapped well.
  • Never use metal utensils, and never allow your starter to come in contact with metal items (when you are mixing batters for baking, you may use a metal bowl, but if your starter contacts metal, it can react).

1 comment:

JLB said...

I was just thinking about getting a recipe and starting this :) Thanks!!