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Friday, November 13, 2009

How to puree butternut squash

Now that you've roasted your butternut squash, it's time to make puree. Puree can be used for a number of things- "mashed" with butter like potatoes, sneaking into foods for picky eaters or making butternut squash soup.

Using a spoon, scoop the flesh out of your butternut squash shell.

Dump the flesh into your blender or food processor. Add a couple of teaspoons of water to begin (you may need to add more as you blend/process).

Once you've got the bulk of the squash flesh out, gently scrap the rest from the peel.

Blend your butternut squash puree, adding water as needed for about a minute & a half to 2 minutes.

Look at the beauty.......

It knows it's beautiful.......

In all of its glory......

From here you may freeze in portions, or move directly onto your recipe. Happy autumn!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I just recently started doing this and freezing them in icecube trays. I put cubes in so many things from soups to spaghetti sauce to fruit smoothies! My kids don't like the taste if I try to serve it spiced as a side dish but don't mind it in other food. Beautiful pictures!