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Friday, August 20, 2010

Yesterday I rocked the kitchen along....

As well as recuperation would allow!!

I rinsed & fed my cold storage water kefir grains....... After severely neglecting them.....

I finally rebatched my water kefir....... after severely neglecting it

I f.i.n.a.l.l.y got around to making a new batch of k-tea.....

.....after SEVERELY neglecting my last batch. I'm so ashamed. No, wait. Nevermind, I'm not ashamed. I think this one is funny!!!

I revamped my dairy kefir grains & hope for dairy kefir later today or tomorrow. These ones weren't TOO severely neglected, thank you very much!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I just realized that you use coffee filters for your jars~very clever! I've always wrestled with towels...but not anymore!

I'm glad you all are feeling better!