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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Time to catch up....

Since TJ passed away, I've been very unmotivated. Between grief, the 15 days I was away from home, the 40+ hours on the road, less than optimal eating, etc. it's been a long road getting back.

A couple weeks ago here in frigid Wyoming, we had the most beautiful weather. It was in the upper 40's-mid 50's. We were able to get out in the yard some..... Then the temps plummeted down into the teens & low 20's and we got swamped with snow..... Then we got swamped with more snow. Our temps are headed up again now, and yesterday we were able to work the compost piles, get an arbor moved & a few other things done.

This week I have been in the kitchen. A lot. So far I've managed a batch of tortillas, 4 loaves wheat bread, 2 batches cheddar puffs, no-bake cookies, chocolate chips, and a couple of pans of pull apart bread. Today I hope to get the chocolate chip cookies baked.

I've also started a new sourdough, so I have 2 and still have my Amish Friendship Bread Starter. My daycare hours have gone up again (yay), and I've also snagged a very.part.time job, which I've yet to get my first assignment. I am a rep for BMA & will visit 2 stores in town here 1X a month to inventory & order greeting cards. Once I get the hang of it, my visits should take no more than an hour. Every so often, I'll need to do a reset as well. From what I understand, I get the assignment emailed to me and will have a certain timeframe in which to get it done. I'm looking forward to this, as it's more or less make my own schedule, and I can take the kids if need be.

My beef order will be sent to the processor between mid-May & mid-June, and my baby chicks & poults are due to arrive the week of May 21st. We've been planting seeds as well. Lots of them & have so much green-age downstairs under the lights- it's amazing!!! You can read more about our mini-homesteading adventures on our 1/10th acre blog.

Our puppy has gotten huge already. He was 5months on the 7th & has already topped 70 pounds. He's a bundle of joy, though.

The kids have been doing great with homeschooling & a few weeks ago, my 13 year old was so very happy to finish his 6th grade math, and finally be a "total 7th grader." We were well ahead in November, and we took a good chunk of December off for the holidays. BIG mistake..... We've had a time getting back into it since TJ went to Heaven, and now we're bordering on falling behind again. Of course, this is just one of the MANY reasons we love homeschooling. When schools are out in May, we can work another week or three & catch up. Because we were homeshooling, I had the choice to take the 15 days (or more if I wanted), and not worry about truancy, falling behind with no chance to catch up, etc.

The homeschool group is doing WONDERFULLY!!! In just 2 months & 3 meetings, we had a total of TWELVE families. The 1st of this month marked 4 meetings, 3 months & a new family. The beginning of May, we're holding a science fair with our meeting. We've got many opportunities lined up in the month of April, and even more in May. I had some approach me about the "seclusion" of our group & that we'd scare people away by saying they had to pay an annual dues to be "privvy" to the calendar of events and the other things we did as a group. It's a Wyoming thing, LOL. But let me tell you, we were *praying for JUST 5-6 families this first year (the 3 of us that have coordinated this group included)* and for *JUST 8-10 families next year.* The turnout has just been PHENOM!!!!!

Right now, I must get off my toosh, though. The boys are done with their chores, and I need ot feed them. The Elders are going snowshoeing with our pastor & the Chief of Police (who also goes to our church). I was considering taking Keenan to see How to Train Your Dragon, but the first showing isn't until 2. So I may take him to the "train park" which he's been begging me to take him to, almost the whole times we've been here.

Hope you have a very blessed weekend!!!


At Home on the Rock... said...

Hey, Kayla...glad to see you back blogging. Just wondering, I see you mention here and on FB about 'making chocolate chips' could you share how you do this?


Kim said...

Wow, you've been busy! It's good to have you back!

~julee~ said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm always following along, and I'm glad to hear that things seem to be turning up for you!

Oh, and your music just scared me out of my seat, as I didn't realize my speakers were on full blast, lol.