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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A day of canning (more like 2)

December 15 & 16 was spent canning & feeding the freezer. By the time all was said & done the hard work & late nights yielded:

12 pts baked beans
5 pts turkey stock
9 pts pintos & veggies
4 qts beef stew
5 qts pork & 3-bean stew
7 24oz jars potatoes in turkey stock

In the freezer:

3 meatloaves (one we had for dinner)
24 meatballs
12 meatloaf muffins
4 salisbury steaks


Linda said...

You've done a great job!

Tatersmama said...

The jars look so pretty!
Isn't it a great feeling, knowing that you have all that food put away for the year?
But tell us about the meatloaf muffins - or are they just mini meatloaves?

I envy you, my friend. You've done well! :o)