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Friday, July 2, 2010

Reusable canning lids bulk order "co-op"

Some of you have heard about the Tattler reusable canning lids. The more you order, the cheaper they are (in a bulk order of 500 or more). Is anyone interested in ordering these & how many would you want? Here's what I want to do- You tell me how many you want, I'll get a tally after a week or 2 (deadline TBA, depending on if there's interest) of how much they'll be & ship them to you for the total cost of the lids & Tattler's shipping + shipping & handling from me to you.

After I find if there's interest, I'll place an ordering deadline. Once we reach that deadline, you will have 1 week to get your money to me. I will accept immediate pay via paypal & I'll accept well-concealed cash & money orders via snail mail. I will NOT accept e-checks nor will I accept mailed checks. I'm looking to have these ordered by the end of July, which means orders & payment in by then.

1 comment:

Katidids said...

I would love to be part of this co-op! Let me know when you decide to go with it