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Thursday, December 23, 2010

This Christmas....

Today I am an emotional wreck. There are many loved ones who are suffering this Christmas season.
I am so sad that so many people are hurting today and during the season of Christ & the beginning of His sacrificial life. We've (my family & I) had such a rough year & I've actually been "in the spirit." After the year we've had, this is the first time this year I've REALLY had something to look forward to. Something big- family, food, giving. The only thing missing are those we've lost, and those we're not near right now.

Then today comes & I keep welling up in tears. It dawned on me a few minutes ago why.
I'm excited about Christmas this year, but at the same rate, I feel bad because I know my parents are having a hard time, and at the same time, I'm homesick today. I miss our families.

This year, we've tried to do for others. We've plucked paper angels off the trees at the stores in hopes that a child with little or nothing would smile on Christmas morning. We took food on Thanksgiving to an exchange student (that is now here on a work visa) from Brazil. He hasn't been home, nor has he seen his family in almost 2 years. We're planning on taking him breakfast on Christmas morning as well.

I wish everyone could feel the Joy I have had in my heart, yet I wish the roller coaster I'm on would come to a stop, so that *I* can be Joyful again. I'm praying for those that are hurting.

I pray that all of you that read this, for all those that we love- you have a very blessed Christmas. Know that I am praying for you.


Tatersmama said...

Oh my friend.. I truly know how hard it can be, and I wish you all the joys and peace of the Christmas season!!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Christmas, actual most holiday, are ment to be spent with family and when that isn't possible it makes things a lot less joyful.

Praying you enjoy your Christmas, that it is truly filled with Joy, Hope, Love, Laughter and many, many Blessing.

Our holiday was a bit empty, our son has decided he no longer wants to be a part of our family, so this is our second holiday celebration with out hearing from him. We've not seen our grandaughter since Easter, she's now 10 months old and we're missing her early years*sniff, sniff* We've tried to make contact, only never to have it acknowledged. It HURTS but we have to turn it over to God and go one with our life.

Merry Christmas Michaela and family