Friday, December 24, 2010
Creamy Fruit Dip
1/3 c sour cream, plain yoghurt or creme fraiche, at room temperature
2-4 T raw honey or agave nectar
1 t vanilla extract
Add cream cheese, sour cream & vanilla to stand mixer. Use the whisk attachment to blend until well-combined. Drizzle in your honey or agave. While running the mixer, blend until light & fluffy. Store in refrigerator. This is good on sweet crackers & served with fruit for dipping.
Ranch Dressing/Dip
1/2 cup buttermilk or dairy kefir
1/2 cup sour cream, crème fraiche or plain yoghurt
2 T minced onion
1/2 t dried oregano
1 t dried parsley
1/2-1 clove minced garlic
1/4 t paprika
1/8 t cayenne pepper
1/4 t each salt & pepper or to taste
Combine all ingredients. Mix well. Leave at room temperature 7 hours (If you've already fermented your mayo, skip this step). Chill before serving (If you fermented your mayo, and you are not leaving at room temp for 7 hours, be sure to chill for at least 2 hours to allow the flavours to mingle).
Thursday, December 23, 2010
This Christmas....

Today I am an emotional wreck. There are many loved ones who are suffering this Christmas season. I am so sad that so many people are hurting today and during the season of Christ & the beginning of His sacrificial life. We've (my family & I) had such a rough year & I've actually been "in the spirit." After the year we've had, this is the first time this year I've REALLY had something to look forward to. Something big- family, food, giving. The only thing missing are those we've lost, and those we're not near right now.
Then today comes & I keep welling up in tears. It dawned on me a few minutes ago why. I'm excited about Christmas this year, but at the same rate, I feel bad because I know my parents are having a hard time, and at the same time, I'm homesick today. I miss our families.
This year, we've tried to do for others. We've plucked paper angels off the trees at the stores in hopes that a child with little or nothing would smile on Christmas morning. We took food on Thanksgiving to an exchange student (that is now here on a work visa) from Brazil. He hasn't been home, nor has he seen his family in almost 2 years. We're planning on taking him breakfast on Christmas morning as well.
I wish everyone could feel the Joy I have had in my heart, yet I wish the roller coaster I'm on would come to a stop, so that *I* can be Joyful again. I'm praying for those that are hurting.
I pray that all of you that read this, for all those that we love- you have a very blessed Christmas. Know that I am praying for you.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
1 pound sprouts, ends cut off & halved
1 medium onion, diced
3T oil (butter, coconut oil, rice bran oil, olive oil, etc)
1/2-1 t garlic powder
Salt & pepper to taste
Fry onions & bacon til crisp & browned oil (I used CO). Add salt, pepper & garlic powder, toss with halved brussel sprouts, mix to coat the sprouts in oil & spices. Roast til browned.
I baked mine 45m at 350º
My oldest son said these taste like egg roll filling. This past Thanksgiving was the first year I was able to get him to actually EAT, not one, but 2 servings of them. Each year past, I've been able to feed a single taste to a scrunched up nosed face.
Can you say SCORE!?!?!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Menu 12/6-11
I'm finally getting back here to blog a little. This past week has found me near invalid stage. I managed to do something to my back, though I don't know what. All I know is Sunday night it began hurting. By late Monday morning I was in tears over the pain. I tried stretching, aleve, excedrin, hot packs, hot baths, Tiger Balm, etc. Tuesday found me in not AS MUCH pain. I wasn't in tears over it. We went grocery shopping on Wednesday & I knew it was bad. I'm walking across the parking lot & this little old lady zoomed right by. No, I'm not kidding!
By Friday I was in the urgent care, knowing if I didn't get some relief, there was no way I could work on Saturday. I was prescribed flexeril & pain meds and sent off with a note to keep me from working on Saturday. Flexeril is now my new BFF. Except that second F part. I'm still a bit tense today, but I'm not in absolute pain.
The past few days I've found myself working on sit-down stuff- menu planning, reading, inventory lists, grocery lists, etc. It's been nice, but I have to tell you sit-down work is NOT my cuppa tea! I'm ready to get up & go again....
Alas, that will be a few more days :-(
So here's the menu. Last night we had spaghetti. It was the first time in a week I was able to actually cook dinner. It was rather uncomfortable, but it needed doing! The first few days are relatively easy fix meals or meals the kids can help with.
Menu 12/6-11
Monday- Cowboy beans & cornbread
*pull roast for tomorrow
Tuesday- Roast & taters, green beans a'la crockpot
*Pull chicken to thaw
Wednesday- Filipino Chicken Adobo, rice, peas
*soak beans for tomorrow, pull meat to thaw
Thursday- Korean style pork, white rice, Kongjaban
*Pull cubed steak & hoagie rolls to thaw
Friday- Marlboro Man sandwiches, baked potato wedges, fruit tray
*Pull liver & steak to thaw
Saturday- Steak (For Hubba & Keenan), liver & onions, mashed potatoes, corn